It’s July 4, 2008. When I think of the 4th of July, I think of freedom…when I think of freedom I think of something the minister said in his prayer for Paul when he was Baptized at the age of 2 ½ months: “May he grow up having the freedom to be himself.” Sounds like such a “given”…but in reality, it is not an easy task.
That being said, growing up to be your self is an ever evolving process. All that has gone before goes into who you are…but I think I really began to know myself after I hit middle age. Every day I try to become more of who I am…to be true to my ideals, integrity and beliefs.
There was much I missed out on in my life…and much I was privileged to enjoy…Since my 60th birthday (actually a few weeks before my 60th) I have found myself doing more “first time things”, expressing my views more honestly, reaching out to others more…and still wondering “who am I?, who do I want to be?, what do I do now?” But by asking these questions, and dedicating to be true to myself, my intuition is serving me far better than I have ever permitted it to serve me before.
Today I took part in a 4th of July parade in Dahlonega, GA. I was with a group marching in support of Barack Obama for President…a first for me for any candidate that has run in my lifetime. What fun! It wasn’t a big parade…there were no bands, or clowns…just differing groups in a parade in support of their cause, candidate, organization. Along the parade route we got some cheers and boos…FREEDOM!
My choice for candidate for President this election 2008 differs from the majority of my friends…but the more I allow myself to be “who I am”, the more I find that I can respect others for being “who they are”.
One of my “firsts” came a few weeks before my 60th birthday. I got my first ( and most likely, only!) tattoo. I designed my own tattoo…it is simple…the word (concept) NAMASTÉ as the leaves on a purple tulip. It is a constant reminder to me of the equality of all people: “The divine in me honors the divine in you.”
Freedom…how blest we are to live in a country, where if we choose, we can “become ourselves.”
That being said, growing up to be your self is an ever evolving process. All that has gone before goes into who you are…but I think I really began to know myself after I hit middle age. Every day I try to become more of who I am…to be true to my ideals, integrity and beliefs.
There was much I missed out on in my life…and much I was privileged to enjoy…Since my 60th birthday (actually a few weeks before my 60th) I have found myself doing more “first time things”, expressing my views more honestly, reaching out to others more…and still wondering “who am I?, who do I want to be?, what do I do now?” But by asking these questions, and dedicating to be true to myself, my intuition is serving me far better than I have ever permitted it to serve me before.
Today I took part in a 4th of July parade in Dahlonega, GA. I was with a group marching in support of Barack Obama for President…a first for me for any candidate that has run in my lifetime. What fun! It wasn’t a big parade…there were no bands, or clowns…just differing groups in a parade in support of their cause, candidate, organization. Along the parade route we got some cheers and boos…FREEDOM!
My choice for candidate for President this election 2008 differs from the majority of my friends…but the more I allow myself to be “who I am”, the more I find that I can respect others for being “who they are”.
One of my “firsts” came a few weeks before my 60th birthday. I got my first ( and most likely, only!) tattoo. I designed my own tattoo…it is simple…the word (concept) NAMASTÉ as the leaves on a purple tulip. It is a constant reminder to me of the equality of all people: “The divine in me honors the divine in you.”
Freedom…how blest we are to live in a country, where if we choose, we can “become ourselves.”
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