Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good for my Soul

On June 7, 2008 I drove up to Lake Blueridge to the Alford's lake house for the afternoon. Amanda, Robert, Georgia and Winnie were there with a gathering of their friends.
I loved the idea of seeing my "Chicago Family" again for the afternoon, but did not anticipate how many wonderful moments could be condensed into 7 1/2 hours!
Georgia greeted me with the hugest, all enveloping hug...and the day got even better from there. Before I knew it, we were down at the lake. Now, I haven't been on a lake for years...and have done very little "in the water" stuff over the past 10-15 years...(a swim here or there, and a couple of tubing outings). I jumped in the water, held Georgia while she kicked and splashed...then Georgia let me hold her as we jumped in the water...with her Papa there to catch her...her "first jump in"...After that, I went to the upper deck of the dock and took a running leap into the water...It didn't seem like the big a thing at the time, but WOW! and it was FUN!
Georgia was acting like she needed a nap, but I ended up laying down with her to make this an actuality. At one point I was faking sleep and Georgia took her doll and said "Be quiet, dd's sleeping!" Minutes later she was in deep dreamland, and I was up visiting with every one.
Later in the afternoon, we found some bubbles...I was on the sofa with Georgia, Winnie on my lap and little Lillian...I began blowing bubbles and there was such delight for ALL of us!
The drive up to the lake was one of winding roads thru the North Georgia Mountains...a visual of the majesty of nature...and the gathering at the lake, experiences of visual love between families and friends.
The last time I was at the lake house was to begin the planning for Amanda & Robert's wedding. Now, seven years later Amanda and Robert have two beautiful, captivating daughters...they are opening the house and their hospitality to their friends & their families.
Yes, the afternoon was good for my soul! To see four little girls ( Amanda, Abby, Staci and Cynthia) who have grown up to be lovely women...each so different, but with the bond of friendship between see their families (all so beautiful) interacting...if I had just gone to the lake and observed (a butterfly on the wall) it would have been overwhelming in itself, but to be able to interact and enjoy every moment myself...well:
For all that has been - Thanks! To all that shall be - Yes! (Dag Hammarskjold)

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