Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Christmas Presents

Christmas will be here in a few days…and as I have shopped, wrapped, mailed, given and put under the tree, I am very cognizant of all the presents I have been given this year. As I open packages on Christmas morning, I will also remember the presents already given.

Certainly, many of these presents cost money…but it is the feeling, caring, thoughtfulness and love behind these presents that is settling in to my heart.

The gift of travelling to Chicago to spend time with Amanda, Robert, Georgia and Winnie…not once, but three times. The gift of Georgia’s hugs and incredible comments. Winnie’s laughter and wonderful smiles. The thoughtfulness that Amanda and Robert have shown in recognizing my need to be with my granddaughters. Making me feel like a kid again on my 62nd birthday. The privilege of taking a vacation with them to Arizona. The confidence Amanda & Robert had in me to let me take care of their greatest treasures on my own for 3 days…and the joy of getting to know my granddaughters on my own. “Georgia, Winnie and dd … three!”

An afternoon with the Alfords, and childhood friends of Amanda’s at the lake. What a joy to hold Georgia as she jumped into the lake for the first time – and getting Winnie up from her nap.

The gift of Hobie’s weekly phone call. The gift of knowing that I am never forgotten – being kept up to date on Hobie’s life. The gift of a phone call every day from the road as Hobie moved from the sunny south to the great northwest.

The gift of Paul inviting me to see the home he was about to buy…and keeping me informed of the changes that were taking place as the renovations were done. And again, the gift of time as Paul connected with me for meals, and introduced to me to his friends…and walking me thru the set-up of my new cell phone. The gift of Paul wanting to spend time with me during the Christmas season and bringing Emily by for Christmas cookies and together watching a “Charlie Brown Christmas”.

The gift of getting involved with a political campaign. The gift of being open and willing and stretching my wings, and getting outside my comfort zone with phone-banking and canvassing. There was never a day with the campaign that I wasn’t touched, got tears in my eyes, or that my heart did not burst with joy.

The gift of new friends, friends that might have never entered my life. My treasures in this life have increased 200-fold. I have been enriched beyond any earthly earnings that could ever come my way.

The gift of friends that I have had over my lifetime. The gift of knowing that friends I worked with for 21+years have not forgotten me…that our friendship went beyond the walls of an office building. The gift of an e-mail or phone call saying, “Hey, let’s get together and catch up!” The gift of cards, e-mails and phone calls from friends and family far away.

The gift of friends, a second family in Dahlonega, GA that I see each week. The sharing, tears and laughter that fill our get togethers. The reflection back to me of my strengths and weaknesses…more often my strengths…that help me keep evolving…and hopefully becoming more of who I am – enlarging those positives and shrinking the negatives.

The gift of being able to wake up each morning with a deep feeling of gratitude for all that is in my life: past, present and future. The gift of feeling down and knowing that the “downer feelings” aren’t the the essence of my life…that they are OK to feel, but will pass quickly.

The gift of appreciation from family and friends for my creative side. A gift that helps me continue with my creative endeavors always trying to make what I create different, and better.

The gift of acceptance...a large part of this gift is being able to accept gifts from others.

During this year, I have been given the gift of becoming more open and willing...a gift that I plan to take with me to the New Year.

I am overwhelmed by the gifts of this a WONDERFUL WAY! Instead of getting “another year older”, I have been given the gift of growing: younger in spirit – stronger in my intuition - more open to possibilities – humbler in the light of my blessings – a greater ability to live in the moment . Gifts that are formed by the experiences of “the every day” ... gifts that don’t cost a dime, but often require some sweat-equity of the soul.
Yes, presents are meant to be opened ...
The presents that are “unseen” are meant to be cultivated and grown ... Taken from one day into the next. ..At every opportunity, to be passed on to family, friends and strangers... for we are all part of a whole...

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Vision for Our Country, For the World

For months I have been working full time for the Obama Campaign for Change in the Gainesville,GA office. I have been giving the campaign "more than full time". The rewards have been incredible. I have lived in Gainesville for 31 years, and I am just now learning about my community...and most importantly, it's people. My path has been crossed, and my heart invaded by people who I would never have known if not for Senator Obama's Campaign for Change. The vision for our country must be one of hope and prosperity and equality...and we must work hard to have this become a reality.
The volunteers of the Campaign for Change are doing this one person, one relationship at a time. Many of us have never worked on a political campaign before, but after this experience, we are determined to keep working for the betterment of our community, society, our country and the world at matter the outcome of this election.
I took this picture at a campaign fuction at our office this past Saturday (October 25). ("A picture is worth a 1000 words";" A picture confers importance.")To me, this picture shows the vision and possibilities for our society and our country...most importantly, our world. The future is in our children...but the future is also with 62, the future is with me...the future is NOW!
RalphWaldo Emerson said: "Every man is a quotation from his ancestors" When we become 'ancestors", let our quotation be one of equality, possibility, hope, and continual change for the better. Namaste, diana

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oh What A Feeling

Today I watched as Senator Barack Obama gave a speech to 200,000 people in Berlin, Germany. There has been nothing to compare to this event, and there doesn’t need to be!

Senator Obama presented himself with poise, honesty and respect. The core values of Senator Obama, his love of America, his respect for the world and all the people who inhabit it, and his respect for our planet were expressed concisely and with sincerity. He is a man of integrity and vision. I know of no one who shares my values to any greater degree than does Senator Obama.

The votes have not been cast, the conventions have not even taken place, and yet today I was given a glimpse of this country and the world that we can have when Senator Obama is President Obama. He is a man of elegance and sophistication, and yet he honors and exercises the values instilled in him as a child, and which he continued to develop as a young lawyer on the streets of Chicago. He is a man of intelligence and courage, tempered by humility.

Hamilton Fish said, “If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in a time of peace.”

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Passing It On

It is often the smallest comment or look that can make a difference in someone's day! Yesterday I called at a phonebank for the "Campaign for Change" in Georgia. It was amazing! This is not something I have felt comfortable with...but I did enjoy it...WHAT does this have to do with the subject at hand? A couple of the cold calls I made reached elderly or infirmed people...I state why I was calling, and asked my questions. They answered my questions, giving me in their answers a little of their situations...and I gave them a few positive words...I smiled when I talked (and I think they picked up on that smile). In some very small way I felt that they felt better because they had answered my phone call (regardless of the purpose of my call!) In a very small way, I had passed on some kindness. Opportunity abounds for "passing it on".
And of course I have a quote:
Sometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits right into the empty place in your heart.
(from the Television show, My So-Called Life)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Freedom To Be

It’s July 4, 2008. When I think of the 4th of July, I think of freedom…when I think of freedom I think of something the minister said in his prayer for Paul when he was Baptized at the age of 2 ½ months: “May he grow up having the freedom to be himself.” Sounds like such a “given”…but in reality, it is not an easy task.
That being said, growing up to be your self is an ever evolving process. All that has gone before goes into who you are…but I think I really began to know myself after I hit middle age. Every day I try to become more of who I am…to be true to my ideals, integrity and beliefs.
There was much I missed out on in my life…and much I was privileged to enjoy…Since my 60th birthday (actually a few weeks before my 60th) I have found myself doing more “first time things”, expressing my views more honestly, reaching out to others more…and still wondering “who am I?, who do I want to be?, what do I do now?” But by asking these questions, and dedicating to be true to myself, my intuition is serving me far better than I have ever permitted it to serve me before.
Today I took part in a 4th of July parade in Dahlonega, GA. I was with a group marching in support of Barack Obama for President…a first for me for any candidate that has run in my lifetime. What fun! It wasn’t a big parade…there were no bands, or clowns…just differing groups in a parade in support of their cause, candidate, organization. Along the parade route we got some cheers and boos…FREEDOM!
My choice for candidate for President this election 2008 differs from the majority of my friends…but the more I allow myself to be “who I am”, the more I find that I can respect others for being “who they are”.
One of my “firsts” came a few weeks before my 60th birthday. I got my first ( and most likely, only!) tattoo. I designed my own tattoo…it is simple…the word (concept) NAMASTÉ as the leaves on a purple tulip. It is a constant reminder to me of the equality of all people: “The divine in me honors the divine in you.”
Freedom…how blest we are to live in a country, where if we choose, we can “become ourselves.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good for my Soul

On June 7, 2008 I drove up to Lake Blueridge to the Alford's lake house for the afternoon. Amanda, Robert, Georgia and Winnie were there with a gathering of their friends.
I loved the idea of seeing my "Chicago Family" again for the afternoon, but did not anticipate how many wonderful moments could be condensed into 7 1/2 hours!
Georgia greeted me with the hugest, all enveloping hug...and the day got even better from there. Before I knew it, we were down at the lake. Now, I haven't been on a lake for years...and have done very little "in the water" stuff over the past 10-15 years...(a swim here or there, and a couple of tubing outings). I jumped in the water, held Georgia while she kicked and splashed...then Georgia let me hold her as we jumped in the water...with her Papa there to catch her...her "first jump in"...After that, I went to the upper deck of the dock and took a running leap into the water...It didn't seem like the big a thing at the time, but WOW! and it was FUN!
Georgia was acting like she needed a nap, but I ended up laying down with her to make this an actuality. At one point I was faking sleep and Georgia took her doll and said "Be quiet, dd's sleeping!" Minutes later she was in deep dreamland, and I was up visiting with every one.
Later in the afternoon, we found some bubbles...I was on the sofa with Georgia, Winnie on my lap and little Lillian...I began blowing bubbles and there was such delight for ALL of us!
The drive up to the lake was one of winding roads thru the North Georgia Mountains...a visual of the majesty of nature...and the gathering at the lake, experiences of visual love between families and friends.
The last time I was at the lake house was to begin the planning for Amanda & Robert's wedding. Now, seven years later Amanda and Robert have two beautiful, captivating daughters...they are opening the house and their hospitality to their friends & their families.
Yes, the afternoon was good for my soul! To see four little girls ( Amanda, Abby, Staci and Cynthia) who have grown up to be lovely women...each so different, but with the bond of friendship between see their families (all so beautiful) interacting...if I had just gone to the lake and observed (a butterfly on the wall) it would have been overwhelming in itself, but to be able to interact and enjoy every moment myself...well:
For all that has been - Thanks! To all that shall be - Yes! (Dag Hammarskjold)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You've Got Mail!

I grew up in a time when the written word, delivered through the US Postal Service, was the way we communicated. There were the occasional phone calls, but they were saved for life changing news (deaths, births) and the once in awhile, a very special birthday gift.

I remember from the time I was very young, being so excited when the mail arrived. I would usually be the one to collect the mail in the summer, anxiously going through the letters and bills hoping there would be something for me. Growing up in New York, I had friends and relatives in Georgia and Wisconsin, many with whom I had a “pen pal’ relationship. I was the primary letter writer, often writing 2-3 letters for each one I received, but what joy when I had a letter in response…when I saw that envelope addressed to: Miss Diana Dokken (for those of you who don’t know, I took back my maiden name!) Of course, I would immediately sit down and right a response that went out the next day, and my waiting would begin again.

On vacations, and still to this day, I love selecting postcards and sending to friends and family…(when I have been in Europe, the first thing I have purchased is stamps!)

I found love letters written from my grandfather to my grandmother in 1902-1903…postage was 3 cents! My father had 4 books bound with letters his father and other members of his family had written in the 40s – 60s. (unfortunately my father and grandfather did not have the most legible penmanship, so some are hard to decipher) but the books are a tribute to the written word and the importance of letters - experiences and feelings expressed. I have a few letters that my mother and father wrote to each other when they were young marrieds and my father was traveling for work.

Postage has gone up again, and while I have turned to e-mail as a primary point of communication with friends and family, I still write letters. As someone said, “You can’t re-read a phone call”…and just how long do you keep a special e-mail?

I try not to let too many weeks go by before I send a card to my granddaughters. They are too little for e-mail communication…and they can’t very well carry a picture of a e-mail around with them…but a card with a picture of a kitty, bunny, giraffe on the front …that comes in the mail, with their name on the envelope…I hope is special to them! Remembering them as I create the card, write their names on the envelopes…that is very special to me. Something tangible from their “dd”.

Thank you notes, written with thought and put in the mail…the updated "on my life and family letters" that are written other than Christmas…the cards to let people know that I think of them often…These I love writing and sending…and love receiving.

Another wise person said, “Write the truest sentence you know”.

I still look forward to the mail each day…hoping that there will be a letter, note, card…something personal from a beloved family member or friend. I guess I will never out-grow that anticipation…and I hope, even with electronic communication, the "art of letter writing, note and card sending" through the US Postal Service will not become extinct. When I approach my mail box, I do not hear it say “You’ve Got Mail”, but finding a treasure among the catalogues, junk mail, bills…What Joy!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008 Photographs

PHOTOGRAPH: To photograph is to confer importance. (quote from Susan Sontag)

One morning this week I was on my breezeway and noticed the most wonderful rain drops on the lily of the valley leaves. I quickly ran inside to get my camera...I did not want these beautiful rain drops on a cloudless sunny day to evaporate before I had them preserved.
Later the same day it looked to find a quote about nature, rain, leaves...a quote that would capture the essence of the photos I had taken that morning...instead I found a quote about photographs which to me is a wonderful definition of the word photograph as well as the reason to photograph.

I started thinking about all the photographs I have and have taken...and people's reaction when you want to take their picture...and all the wonderful pictures I have of family and friends, many several generations old. The photos I have bring a warm and loving feeling to me, confirm part of who I am and where I have come from, the blessings in my life...

I have several friends who usually refuse to have their picture taken...One friend was adamant, and I had to do some real debating to get her to relent...I wanted some photos of her with her first granddaughter (who was going to be leaving to live in China)...I felt it important that her daughter and granddaughter have pictures of them together at the start of her granddaughters friend relented, and the moments were preserved - rightful importance was conferred.

Some photos we have printed, some on the computer, and some photos we keep in our heart... but all the photos we keep are of special people, places, trips and moments in our lives and the lives of those dear to us...This year on my birthday morning, several photos were taken of me with Georgia and with no make-up and "bed-hair" on my part...but you know, it didn't matter...Georgia had such a fun time waking me was my first birthday where Georgia understood what was going on, and my first birthday with Winnie. I wanted it all preserved...who cared how I looked, it was the moment that was being was not a staged photo shoot!
The photos taken on my birthday morning conferred importance on the occasion...the importance of love, joy, laughter, and family in my life...the importance of living in the moment..."capturing the rain drops, which fall on the lily of the valley leaves".

PHOTOGRAPH - confer importance on the moments on your life...I bet there is something in today worth capturing and preserving...even with your "minds-eye camera"...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Living in the Day

I have just returned from lunch with 4 former co-workers/friends. How wonderful that our relationship continues! We talked a little about my old work environment, but mostly we talked as was wonderful!

At this point I am on a quest for self-discovery - YES, even at the age of 62 the quest continues.

So many have asked, "What do you really want to do?" Well, sometimes your ideal is not practical...I need to work, and since I am at a new starting point, I would like to work for a non-profit/humanitarian based organization/company. There are so many people that need so much ...Doing administrative assistant/clerical work in that kind of environment really appeals to me.

In the mean time, I am doing some painting, reading...having a great deal of faith that things will work for the best in my life...(understanding that I must help to make the best happen)...but knowing that I am not in this Higher Power is with me...and Staying in the Day, in the Now, is the best way for this to happen.