"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder." E. B. White, "Charlotte's Web"
To me, Wonder exists each and every day! Sometimes small, sometimes large...but always there! Just now Hope (my kitty) has crawled up in my chair and is purring away as I type. This is a small wonder as, while extremely affectionate, Hope is not one to sit and purr with me!
The other morning I was on the screen porch when all of a sudden a flock of small black birds descended on the lawn ( for a moment I thought I was in an old movie!)...in a couple of minutes they flew up in the trees...then they all took off in formation...leaving a loan robin in the tree. It was a wonder!
Seventy-two years ago on January 27th, a young woman from East Tennessee married a young man from Central Wisconsin...they married in New York City...because of thea marriage (and other serendipitous events) I was adopted by that couple and became, to my core, who I am today...one of the greatest wonders of my life!
Tonight a young friend called...she had just been to Recess for dinner - her first time- and she was Giddy over her meal...she called to thank me...maybe that phone call was more a Joy than a Wonder...but like 'a wonder"... it was "a joy"!
So, today look out for the Wonders that present themselves when we have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to accpet.